Daily Kos
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Friday | October 11, 2002

Upset possibility in SC?

The Washington Post profiles the Senate race in South Carolina. The winner of this race will replace Senate legend Strom Thurmond, and the GOP desperately needs to hold the seat against a spirited challenge by Democrat Alex Sanders.

The WP gives the GOP the race a "Lean Republican", which is prudent considering the state's strong conservative tilt. However, polls have shown a close race, and by all indications Sanders wins the personality contest in the state. Republican Lindsey Graham (and House impeachment manager) has responded by tying to nationalize the election -- tying Sanders to Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and Barbara Streisand.

Graham's main line of attack is to try to persuade the state's predominantly conservative electorate that Sanders will befriend – and vote with – liberal Democrats in Washington.

During the debate, Graham attempted to link Sanders to Democratic Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, who are unpopular political figures in South Carolina. Hoping also to invoke the unpopularity of former President Clinton in the state, Graham mentioned the name many times.

Sanders responds to the "liberal" charges by noting his support for many of Bush's policies. And, Sanders is nailing Graham on social security privatization. Graham is one of the few people who didn't get the memo warning candidates against using the word "privatization".

MyDD has pegged this race as his Senate's sleeper upset pick.
[Sanders is] a fiscal conservative, and pretty socially conservative as well (except for the death penalty, which he's against). He's been showcased nationally, in the NYT's, New Yorker, and MetroBEAT. He's on schedule to be financially competitive, and is competitive in the polls-- remember, Thurmond only won his last election with 54 percent of the vote.
Check out his lengthy analysis of the race. It's quite fascinating and full of delicious optimism.

Posted October 11, 2002 09:24 AM | Comments (1)


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