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Bush Administration Archives

October 12, 2003 - Valerie Plame Affair Not Forgotten
October 10, 2003 - Getting tough on the embargo. Again.
October 10, 2003 - No words necessary
October 10, 2003 - Why do Bush's best friends hate America?
October 7, 2003 - Despite Public Differences, Novak Found Common Cause with Neocons
October 7, 2003 - Bush: Plame leak a criminal act
October 6, 2003 - Plame Affair primer
October 5, 2003 - Bush Leads a Medieval Presidency
October 5, 2003 - Latest in Bush's War on Labor
October 4, 2003 - Did Novak Expose More CIA Undercover Officers?
October 3, 2003 - Bush thinks press repression is funny
October 3, 2003 - Confidence in Bush's handling in Iraq still falling
October 3, 2003 - Plame Affair Merely a Symptom
October 1, 2003 - ABC News Poll: Plame Affair a serious matter
October 1, 2003 - If this administration falls, then what?
October 1, 2003 - What should we call this scandal?
October 1, 2003 - Plame's former classmate vents
September 30, 2003 - Is tipping off White House counsel a crime?
September 30, 2003 - Guardian: Rove did it
September 30, 2003 - Did DOJ give WH heads-up to destroy docs?
September 30, 2003 - Novak: arrogance at WH diminishing
September 30, 2003 - Shutting down wingnut defenses
September 29, 2003 - Novak to the defense
September 29, 2003 - Memory Fault at Location 001600
September 29, 2003 - Cheney behind Iraq/Al Qaeda lies
September 29, 2003 - Our very own spy novel
September 29, 2003 - Plame Affair Finally Gets Legs
September 28, 2003 - What, Rice Worry?
September 28, 2003 - Who leaked?
September 27, 2003 - Powell runs out on NY Times op/ed board
September 27, 2003 - CIA wants White House investigation
September 26, 2003 - Bush economic policies at work
September 24, 2003 - Bush interviews earns crap ratings
September 23, 2003 - ACLU sues Secret Service
September 22, 2003 - Trying to hide bad news, povery and income report released Friday
September 22, 2003 - What "rousing" speech?
September 20, 2003 - It Seemed Like a Good Idea...
September 19, 2003 - Billions for Iraq - Part I
September 14, 2003 - Tucker Carlson, bowtie conservative, on Karen Hughes
September 10, 2003 - EPA: Ground Zero air ok. Reality: "like a chemical factory"
September 10, 2003 - In the Loot ... er, Loop
September 9, 2003 - One libertarian's rant against Bush
September 8, 2003 - Put a Price Tag on that Price Tag!
September 6, 2003 - What will Bush say Sunday?
September 4, 2003 - The shocker for the day
September 4, 2003 - Time to explore the Bush/Saudi connection
August 30, 2003 - Was he chewing on a pretzel?
August 26, 2003 - Bush to run for prez with $500 billion deficit
August 20, 2003 - What "compassion" means to Bush
August 19, 2003 - Blackout perps big supporters of GOP
August 19, 2003 - Already a record deficit, and year not over
August 19, 2003 - Ashcroft's nationwide tour
August 15, 2003 - Bush and his friends strike again
August 15, 2003 - The Bush Job Plan
August 14, 2003 - Bush cries
August 8, 2003 - Bush action figure funny, but who's buying?
August 5, 2003 - Bush is the "Mother of All Big Spenders"
August 4, 2003 - Will Powell step down?
August 3, 2003 - Bush goes on vacation
August 2, 2003 - Gay hysteria
August 1, 2003 - Poindexter shown the Pentagon door
July 30, 2003 - Buying more trouble
July 28, 2003 - Condi Rice: liar or incompetant?
July 26, 2003 - Dean on the offense
July 26, 2003 - Can't they do anything right?
July 25, 2003 - Bush disrespects flag
July 25, 2003 - Dick Cheney and his lies
July 24, 2003 - Bush cabal trying to smear Durbin
July 24, 2003 - 9-11 report shows no Iraq-Al Qaeda link
July 22, 2003 - Hadley borrows Tenet's sword
July 22, 2003 - Dubya losing the eBay primary
July 22, 2003 - The disappearing President
July 21, 2003 - The pendulum has reached its apex
July 18, 2003 - Latest Zogby poll not good for Bush
July 18, 2003 - White House doesn't want to hear it
July 17, 2003 - Bush won't take responsibility for own words
July 17, 2003 - What to do about George?
July 17, 2003 - The politics of war
July 16, 2003 - A losing attempt to defend $500 billion deficits
July 16, 2003 - Yellowcake is but the tip of the iceberg
July 15, 2003 - The Bush disaster in color
July 15, 2003 - Korea-US drifting towards war
July 15, 2003 - Black Thursday
July 15, 2003 - Bush administration admits to record deficits
July 14, 2003 - 16 words
July 14, 2003 - DNC Ad: 'Bush lied"
July 13, 2003 - A day of lies
July 12, 2003 - Bush's numbers going down
July 12, 2003 - Tenet Takes One for the Team
July 11, 2003 - The heat is on Tenet
July 11, 2003 - "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"
July 10, 2003 - "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"
July 10, 2003 - 9-11 report, soon to be released, will be 'explosive'
July 8, 2003 - Appeals court refuses to stop Cheney suit
July 8, 2003 - Bush admin: 'okay, Niger claims were false'
June 25, 2003 - Analyst pressured to distort WMD data
June 22, 2003 - Bush's Gay Problem
June 19, 2003 - Where can Libertarians go?
June 17, 2003 - More than half dissatisfied with the country's direction
June 16, 2003 - President cuts, governors raise taxes
June 15, 2003 - The New Radicals
June 13, 2003 - National Debt and Bush: the numbers
June 8, 2003 - Rummy's New Model Army
June 7, 2003 - Is Bush lying?
June 1, 2003 - Secretary of Everything
May 28, 2003 - First Amendment means nothing to Bush
May 22, 2003 - Bush continues to rack up debt
May 22, 2003 - Santorum, Bush down in latest polls
May 21, 2003 - Bush still having trouble with tax cuts
May 21, 2003 - Whitman resigns EPA
May 17, 2003 - Life in the National Security State
May 8, 2003 - Bush's campaign stunt story has legs
May 7, 2003 - Bush's $1 million 'political stunt'
May 5, 2003 - Bush still pushing hard for tax cuts
April 30, 2003 - Polls, polls, and more polls
April 29, 2003 - Fox poll: Bush heading south
April 25, 2003 - Bush regime playing cards
April 25, 2003 - Bush throws his lot with the homophobes
April 24, 2003 - Bush: Maybe Iraq did destroy WMDs
April 17, 2003 - Cheney slapped hard by appeals court
April 16, 2003 - A Bush tell all on the way?
April 10, 2003 - How does Bush rhetoric match reality?
April 5, 2003 - The tyranny of ideas
April 4, 2003 - Who is the president?
April 1, 2003 - California was gouged -- to the tune of $35 billion
March 27, 2003 - Perle resigns
March 24, 2003 - Bush gets war bounce
March 21, 2003 - Bush's legacy
March 18, 2003 - How to pay for war
March 12, 2003 - Snow claims Greenspan backs tax cuts
March 7, 2003 - Bush never meant to answer questions
March 7, 2003 - Reviews are in: Bush sucked
March 6, 2003 - Bush -- gasp! -- stages press conference
March 6, 2003 - Bush trails generic Dem
March 3, 2003 - GOP downplays record deficit
March 3, 2003 - Teamsters have given up on GOP
March 2, 2003 - Snake Eyes
March 1, 2003 - Do These Men Work for the Same Government?
March 1, 2003 - The Sound of Silence
March 1, 2003 - Takes One to Know One
February 28, 2003 - US to sue California over gun database
February 28, 2003 - Bush turns guns on House, Senate
February 27, 2003 - Fox tries to hide dismal poll results
February 27, 2003 - Bush: hurry up and drop bombs!
February 27, 2003 - Hoffa lashes out at Bush
February 26, 2003 - Ari laughed off the stage
February 26, 2003 - It's the economy, stupid
February 24, 2003 - Bush running scared at governor's meeting
February 22, 2003 - Governors to meet with Bush
February 22, 2003 - I've been reported!
February 20, 2003 - And Now Back to Politics for a Moment
February 19, 2003 - Has a Subtle Powell Scapegoating Begun?
February 19, 2003 - Meanwhile, Around the Dinner Table...
February 14, 2003 - Meanwhile, back at the White House...
February 13, 2003 - Bush budget explicit cause of deficits
February 11, 2003 - Snow already off message
February 10, 2003 - Bush to pretend he cares about economy
February 7, 2003 - Fighting Back
February 7, 2003 - Are You Ready for Patriot Act II?
February 7, 2003 - Bush's "Bait and Switch" New Initiatives
February 6, 2003 - Cheney's endorsement of "great ideas"
February 5, 2003 - Bush never went to Houston Space Center
February 4, 2003 - Bush's poll numbers still dropping
February 4, 2003 - 'Borrow and Spend' Republicans
February 3, 2003 - Bush's budget-busting budget
February 2, 2003 - Did Bush get a SOTU bump?
February 2, 2003 - Bush ignored pleas to ground Shuttle
January 31, 2003 - Cheney supports Confederate Flag!
January 30, 2003 - Fortune tellers over at The Onion
January 29, 2003 - Hey Bush, what's the state of the union?
January 29, 2003 - More on post-SOTU polls
January 29, 2003 - Bush gets boost
January 29, 2003 - Gary Locke's response
January 28, 2003 - Health care and economy -- what was he thinking?
January 28, 2003 - Final thoughts and Open Thread
January 28, 2003 - Bush's SOTU, Part II
January 28, 2003 - Bush's SOTU
January 28, 2003 - Leaked video of SOTU address
January 28, 2003 - The real state of the union
January 28, 2003 - What you WON'T hear tonight
January 28, 2003 - Tonight's most important question
January 27, 2003 - GOP is still party of racists
January 25, 2003 - Bush Posts His Highest Unfavorable Rating Yet
January 25, 2003 - Another Interesting Resignation
January 25, 2003 - Saturday Potpourri
January 23, 2003 - Pollkatz charts updated
January 23, 2003 - Is Glenn Hubbard Walking the Plank?
January 23, 2003 - Poll: public doubt over Bush's "stimulus" plan
January 22, 2003 - Boxgate revealed
January 22, 2003 - Treasury pick has DUI, is dead-beat father
January 19, 2003 - Powell backs UM affirmative action plan
January 19, 2003 - Donors at Camp David
January 19, 2003 - Bush honors Jefferson Davis
January 19, 2003 - Bush's inspirational agenda
January 19, 2003 - Latest numbers: Bush not looking so hot
January 17, 2003 - GOP mocks the "party of Lincoln"
January 16, 2003 - Why is Colin Powell a Republican?
January 16, 2003 - Kaus has an epiphany: Bush lies
January 16, 2003 - So much for pretending otherwise
January 16, 2003 - John Dean Nails Down Cheney’s True Goal
January 15, 2003 - Bush Hands Gephardt a Big Issue
January 14, 2003 - Maureen Dowd Gets Serious About Bush
January 11, 2003 - Time for the Big Dog to Come Out?
January 11, 2003 - Hubris, Thy Name is Bush
January 11, 2003 - Delusions of Grandeur
January 10, 2003 - Eatin' Words
January 10, 2003 - Predict the Victim of the Bush Friday News Dump
January 9, 2003 - “We’re Looking At Deficits Forever”
January 9, 2003 - 56 percent will not vote for Bush
January 9, 2003 - Ari the Hypocrite on Pickering
January 8, 2003 - How Economic Policy is Made at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
January 7, 2003 - Pickering Renominated-The Return of the Trent Lott Republicans
January 7, 2003 - Tuesday Morning Follow Up
January 7, 2003 - Fun With Numbers
January 6, 2003 - The Bush Iraq Vision Emerges
January 2, 2003 - Bush: More tax breaks. More!
December 27, 2002 - 800 thousands lose job benefits
December 23, 2002 - Troops feel the pinch
December 20, 2002 - Public Service Announcement
December 16, 2002 - GOP wants to shift tax burden
December 13, 2002 - Kissinger abandons 9-11 probe
December 13, 2002 - Run-around Congress, endorse discrimination
December 9, 2002 - Go with Snow
December 9, 2002 - Judge dismisses GAO suit against Cheney
December 9, 2002 - Tax dodger named Treasury Sec
December 6, 2002 - Bush purges economic team
December 5, 2002 - Rewarding corporate tax evaders, political hacks
December 3, 2002 - The John DiIulio saga
November 26, 2002 - Bush's reelect numbers low, so is Dem Party
November 22, 2002 - Bush's cabinet remains stable
November 20, 2002 - Next SEC chief to be a Democrat?
November 14, 2002 - Dealing with a feisty right wing
October 25, 2002 - Bush is now superman
October 22, 2002 - Washington Post says Bush lies
October 18, 2002 - Bush's numbers not looking so hot
October 18, 2002 - Judge orders Cheney to come clean
October 13, 2002 - Bush's change of tone
September 25, 2002 - Cheney's jet-setting lifestyle
September 25, 2002 - Like father, like son
September 24, 2002 - Sigh...
September 4, 2002 - Spy court travails
September 3, 2002 - That's one lazy president!
August 31, 2002 - Taking stock of Bush priorities
August 26, 2002 - Bush on MLB Hall of Fame ballot???
August 22, 2002 - Funny...
August 15, 2002 - Veterans pile on Bush
August 15, 2002 - With fire fighters, or against them
August 11, 2002 - Are we in a 'recession'?
August 6, 2002 - Vacation politically unwise
August 2, 2002 - Cheney loses another round
August 1, 2002 - Loyal to a fault
July 26, 2002 - Cheney above the law
July 25, 2002 - Why can't they shut up?
July 25, 2002 - Can't have it both ways
July 22, 2002 - Malaise, thy name is Bush
July 22, 2002 - Unconnecting the dots
July 19, 2002 - Bush still wants to "privatize" social security
July 18, 2002 - Bush, investigator extraordinaire
July 17, 2002 - Conservatives ganging up on Bush
July 16, 2002 - More on new Zogby poll
July 16, 2002 - Can they fix Wall Street?
July 15, 2002 - Bush numbers plummet
July 15, 2002 - Markets slide, political repercussions
July 13, 2002 - Open Gov't: 1, Cheney secrecy: 0
July 13, 2002 - High hypocrisy
July 13, 2002 - Fox guarding the henhouse
July 13, 2002 - The bad news presidency
July 10, 2002 - Dow continues downward spiral
July 9, 2002 - Bush's whimpy speech
July 8, 2002 - Time to exhume the body?
July 8, 2002 - Eve of the speech
July 8, 2002 - Republicans gain Yucca votes
July 8, 2002 - Ashcroft at an 'undisclosed location'?
July 8, 2002 - Bush's speech
July 3, 2002 - Confidence in Bush waning
July 3, 2002 - Corporate scandals reach Bush
July 3, 2002 - Halliburton gets free pass
July 2, 2002 - Trifecta source finally found
July 1, 2002 - Halliburton under fire
June 25, 2002 - Blame where blame is due
June 20, 2002 - Bush's numbers still falling
June 19, 2002 - Nickelodeon Ethics
June 17, 2002 - Ashcroft Death Watch, Part III
June 14, 2002 - Graduates protesting Bush threatened with arrest
June 13, 2002 - The right turns on Ashcroft
June 11, 2002 - It wasn't "The Little Caterpillar"
June 10, 2002 - Saving brother Jeb, the heck with CA
June 8, 2002 - Bush's downward spiral
June 8, 2002 -
June 3, 2002 - Cheney's mismanagement of Halliburton being exposed
June 3, 2002 - Bush's history speech
June 2, 2002 - Halliburton could land Cheney in court
June 2, 2002 - Pandering to big steel could be costly
May 29, 2002 - Investigations galore
May 28, 2002 - Didn't get his nappy time?
May 28, 2002 - Are there any blacks in D.C.?
May 26, 2002 - Running scared


Bush Administration
Business and Economy
Foreign Policy

© 2002. Steal all you want.
(For non-commercial use.)