Friday | October 10, 2003 Why do Bush's best friends hate America? You can judge the character of a man by the company he keeps. And given some of Bush's friends, his character is not looking so good. Like, say, religious wingnut Pat Robertson: The US State Department has lodged a vehement complaint with prominent conservative televangelist Pat Robertson for comments suggesting that its Foggy Bottom headquarters should be destroyed with nuclear weapons, officials said.Or how about anti-tax wingnut Grover Norquist: NORQUIST: The argument that some who play to the politics of hate and envy and class division will say is, "Well, that's only 2 percent -- or, as people get richer, 5 percent, in the near future -- of Americans likely to have to pay [the estate tax]." I mean, that's the morality of the Holocaust: "Oh, it's only a small percentage. It's not you; it's somebody else." And [in] this country, people who may not make earning a lot of money the centerpiece of their lives -- they may have other things to focus on -- they just say it's not just. If you've paid taxes on your income, government should leave you alone, not tax you again.So to recap, Bush's friends and political allies want to detonate a nuclear bomb in DC and think taxation is akin to the exermination of six million Jews (and other assorted 'undesirables'). Brilliant. Posted October 10, 2003 10:05 AM | Comments (72) |
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