Daily Kos
Political analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation

Tuesday | October 22, 2002

Lautenberg expands lead; McBride within margin of error

A new Q-Poll on the New Jersey Senate race seems to be driving yet another nail in Forrester's coffin.

Former Sen. Frank Lautenberg has opened a  52 - 43 percent lead over  Republican Douglas Forrester among likely voters in New Jersey's U.S. Senate race, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.   This tally includes likely voters who are leaning toward one of the candidates.

In an October 7 poll by the independent Quinnipiac University, Lautenberg was ahead 49 - 45 percent.

The pollster notes a huge gender gap in the race, with Lautenberg picking up the lion's share of the woman's vote. That's probably indication that Forrester's abortion and gun control views are taking him down.

Meanwhile, the latest Tampa Tribune poll on the Florida guv races gives Bush a 49-44 lead over Dem challenger McBride. The article harps on and on about how McBride is "stagnant".

Ridiculous. The poll results are within the margin of error, like every other recent poll on the race. There's no doubt this race will be a nailbitter, and while McBride's impressive poll gains have slowed, that is to be expected. The polls now reflect the Florida reality -- an evenly divided electorate with nary a sliver of light between them.

Posted October 22, 2002 08:29 AM | Comments (10)


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