Daily Kos
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Tuesday | October 29, 2002

Arkansas media runs with Huckabee parole story

KARK-TV has already picked up on the story, tying it in with another parolee who went on to commit rape and murder.

Deborah Suttlar, a former Parole Board member, tells News 4 Arkansas, "he felt that Dumond had served enough time. He said that…you serve at the will of the Govenor. When a Governor mentions a case to you, his position, and you're being paid by him, then you feel influenced by that."

After hearing from the Governor, the Parole Board reconsidered their previous 4 to 1 vote, to deny Dumond's parole, and released him. The Governor's campaign says with the Dumond issue, Fisher is making much ado about nothing. "The Governor is very comfortable that he did not unduly influence the board”, explains Joe Quinn, of the Huckabee campaign.

Ashley Stevens says Huckabee's actions will never be comfortable to the victims of crime. Pulaski County Prosecutor, Larry Jegley, also had strong words for the Governor on Tuesday. He says Huckabee is misusing and abusing his power, when it comes to the early release of criminals. Some of the campaigns ads mention clemency, and some mention parole. Clemency is a reduction of sentence, parole is release.

So, Huckabee thinks that releasing a violent rapist into society, only to watch him rape and murder at least one (possibly two) women is "much ado about nothing"?

Are there any Arkansas readers that can update us on how this is playing? I can't imagine this won't be fatal!

p.s. KATV also does the story.

Posted October 29, 2002 07:23 PM | Comments (5)


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