Wednesday | January 08, 2003 Life Imitates Art? Billmon This is from Josh Marshall's always-a-must-read Talking Points Memo: At the White House and among Republicans on Capitol Hill there is increasingly serious talk of pulling out the 37,000 troops which the US has garrisoned along the DMZ for about a half century. (Henry Hyde's International Relations Committee is apparently preparing hearings about a possible unilateral withdrawal of American troops.) In other words, in order to take a tough line against North Korea's nuclear jawboning, the Bush White House is now prepared to accept North Korea as a nuclear power and contemplate the unilateral withdrawal of all American forces from the Korean Peninsula. And this is from my 'future history" of 2003: March 23 In an unexpected policy shift, a clearly stunned Colin Powell announces the United States has accepted North Korea’s annexation of the former South Korea, in exchange for Pyongyang southpaw Kim Do Chin and a player to be named later.
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