Thursday | March 20, 2003 Iraqis start blowing oil wells (Images are from the first Gulf War. Click on them to enlarge.) Iraq has supposedly begun blowing oil wells, with at least three reported burning near Basra. The press is playing this as economic sabotage from a spiteful Saddam, but there are military reasons for blowing the wells.
But the biggest benefit for Iraq? It will slow down the US march north, and the entire Iraqi defense strategy is predicated on this very simple goal -- slow the Americans at all costs. It's not just the effect on troops, but equipment as well. The burning wells turn surrounding sand intro a sludgy, tarry substance that is hell on engines. And we'll have to endure these hardships on soldier and equipment through the duration of the war. In 1991, it took seven months to extinguish the oil well fires. So Iraq will drag out the war. Bog the invadors down. Threaten their single logistical supply line. And there's no doubt that polluting that supply line north with choking, polluting smoke is a relatively easy way to slow any invading army. Blowing the oil wells is the logical first step. |
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