Tuesday | March 25, 2003 Modified Cattle Call 2004: 1st week of war This special edition of the Cattle Call 2004 won't rank the candidates. Rather, I wanted to take a look at how their campaigns are handling the war as they all strive to set the right "tone". So here we go, in reverse order. Lieberman Lieberman has softened his rhetoric a bit, and tried to stress differences with Bush. He has been saying for days that while there's not "an inch of difference between us" on the war, there are differences in how Iraq could be rebuilt. He also says it's "regrettable" the United Nations was not able to approve a resolution supporting the war.Way to differentiate yourself, Joe. Kerry "Saddam Hussein needs to be disarmed," Kerry said, "But he needs to be disarmed, in my judgment, by building the strongest coalition possible, by doing the best diplomacy possible, and by exhausting all the remedies available." Graham The Bush administration sold the American public on "the softest scenario" about the difficulty of a U.S. invasion of Iraq, even though military and intelligence officials warned about tough Iraqi resistance, a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Tuesday.His candidacy was delayed because of heart surgery, and he has yet to hit the campaign trail. Gephardt In one of the first fund-raising forays of the war, Democratic presidential hopeful Dick Gephardt sent prospective donors an e-mail opening with his prayers for the U.S. military and closing with a pitch for cash.Gephardt has continued his regular campaign schedule, spending time in South Carolina. And he's enthusastically endorsed the war: "I'm a believer that there are weapons of mass destruction and the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction, and I think that's what the facts will show when the time comes."However, it doesn't appear as though he's beeing shadowed by anti-war protesters like Edwards or Lieberman. Edwards Dean |
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