Daily Kos
Political analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation

Wednesday | April 02, 2003

Early Q1 fundraising reports

The Q1 fundraising quarter is officially closed, but while most campaigns are still counting the cash, the Edwards campaign has released its startling high totals.

U.S. Sen. John Edwards said Tuesday that his presidential campaign raised an estimated $7.4 million in the first quarter of the year, a figure likely to put him at or near the front of the crowded pack of Democratic hopefuls.

"It's an impressive total, and it should put him at the top or a very close second," said Chuck Todd, editor of The Hotline, an on-line newsletter widely read among political activists. "This is incredibly important. This is what makes John Edwards a top-tier candidate in 2004 instead of a rookie candidate running to build a name for himself for 2008."

$7.4 million. Damn. Dean's camp is saying their candidate beat the more modest goal of $1.5 million. None of the other candidates have ventured any estimates.

The official reporting date is April 15th.

The impressive take will clearly give Edwards a shot of credibility -- severely depleted by consultant defections, low poll numbers, and hostility to his strong pro-war stance.

Update: Kerry announced that he raised $7 million in Q1.

Update II: Dean raised a surprising $2.6 million.

Posted April 02, 2003 12:52 AM | Comments (137)


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