Thursday | April 17, 2003 Cattle Call 2004: 4/17 Last edition's rankings: 1) Kerry, 2) Dean, 3) Gephardt, 4) Edwards, 5) Lieberman, 6) Graham, 7) Sharpton, 8) Kucinich, 9) Moseley Braun, and others. This week's rankings: 1. John Kerry His motto seems to be "slow and steady wins the race". 2. Howard Dean It is precisely his anti-war stance that has catapulted him into the top tier, so it's not necessarily a bad thing. But you can't vault to the top on a high-profile issue like war, and the whine that no one wants to hear your social security plan. For better or for worse, he's got to play out the war hand (for the time being). 3. John Edwards Sure, he got Axelrod, but his campaign has been a veritable merry-go-round of campaign consultants. They literally come and go. I won't be too impressed unless Axelrod actually sticks around. But ultimately, the real question at this point is whether Edwards can snag some support. So far, I'm not seeing any. 4. Dick Gephardt 5. Bob Graham 6. Joe Lieberman 7. Al Sharpton 8. Kucinich 9. Carol Moseley-Braun Others: Biden, Clark, and Hart. Until they announce, they won't rank. Incidentally, I've received some additional information that points to a Hart run. Nothing conclusive, but the signs are all pointing to "yes". Full disclosure: I am currently a Clark supporter. p.s. The electoral calculator will back soon. Posted April 17, 2003 07:53 AM | Comments (104) |
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