Tuesday | April 22, 2003
More on Santorum
So where does Santorum really stand on homosexuality? Some argue his remarks on the Texas sodomy case were merely poorly worded legalistic arguments against a constitutional "right to privacy" (which has lead to, most importantly, Constitutional protections for abortion).
But, in reality, Santorum considers the banning of same-sex unions the most important issue facing America. Sounds like hyperbole, right? Especially considering 9-11, war, massive deficits, joblessness, etc. But don't take my word for it. Listen to what Santorum himself had to say in this fundraising letter from early 2002:
Dear Friend,
I know it may sound like a huge exaggeration, particularly in light of the attack on America, but this may truly be the most important letter I ever write you.
And I ask you to give it your full and most serious consideration.
I am writing to introduce you to Matt Daniels and to implore you to support the work Matt is doing through Alliance for Marriage
In fact, if you can only make one contribution to a political organization this year, make your gift to Alliance for Marriage today.
For the last year, Matt Daniels has been working behind the scenes with conservative legal scholars like Robert Bork, Princeton University's Robert George and Harvard Law School's Mary Ann Glendon as well as conservative leaders in Congress like myself and Congressman J.C. Watts to draft an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to protect the holy sacrament of marriage from those who would legalize same-sex "marriage".
Now we must take this Amendment -- The Federal Marriage Amendment -- to the floor of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
But even though this Amendment has broad public support, it won't pass without real public pressure. And that's why I am writing you.
The threat that Matt outlines in his letter is real and pressing. Our opposition, The Gay Rights Movement, is organized. They are already proceeding in state courts and it will not be long before they move to the federal courts and even all the way to the Supreme Court.
And that is why The Federal Marriage Amendment is so important. It will protect marriage by taking the power to legally define "marriage"out of the hands of activist judges.
Matt Daniels and Alliance for Marriage are leading this fight for us. Matt has an excellent track record organizing both in the halls of Congress and at the conservative grassroots.
But to win this battle for marriage, one of the very cornerstones of our culture and faith, Matt and AFM will need our help.
Please send Alliance for Marriage your most generous contribution today.
Thank you and God bless you.

P.S. If we don't protect marriage, we risk the Supreme Court deciding the fate of marriage like they decided the fate of our unborn children in Roe V. Wade. Please make a contribution to help AFM build public support for the Federal Marriage Amendment. Thank you.
Posted April 22, 2003 05:41 PM | Comments (47)