Friday | May 30, 2003 WMD issue gaining traction It looks like the WMD story has legs. Driving the increasingly aggressive coverage is the willingness of many inside the US intelligence community to come forth with their frustrations. growing number of U.S. national security professionals are accusing the Bush administration of slanting the facts and hijacking the $30 billion intelligence apparatus to justify its rush to war in Iraq.The entire intelligence apparatus is suddenly under fire, and it has no intentions on taking the hit for Bush and Rumsfeld's politicizing of the intelligence process. It's making sure the blame rests squarely where it belongs, and it looks as though the media is looking at the right place. Even Powell has come under fire for his LIES at the UN Security Council. Imagine that! Clearly rattled and under pressure, Rummy's Pentagon announced that a new team will be headed to Iraq to continue the search. (Someone check their baggage before they enter Iraq!) A large new U.S. team heading into Iraq to search for weapons of mass destruction will shift its focus away from areas identified as suspicious sites before the war, the Army general heading the effort said Friday.But, interestingly enough, the US still refuses to allow UN weapons inspectors to return. Hmmmmm... Oh, and make sure to duck for cover. The "terror alert" level has been dropped back down to "yellow". Posted May 30, 2003 05:33 PM | Comments (101) |
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