Wednesday | June 18, 2003 Cattle Call 2004: 6/18 Last week's rankings: 1) Gephardt, 2) Dean, 3) Kerry, 4) Graham, 5) Lieberman, 6) Edwards, 7) Sharpton, 8) Kucinich, and 9) Moseley-Braun. It's a no-change week. This week's rankings: 1. Dick Gephardt 2. Howard Dean So the victory might be a nice morale boost for the campaign, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking it's anything significant. On the other hand, the $300,000 ad buy in Iowa is significant. Bold. Gutsy. Unconventional. Throwing caution to the wind. If it helps define Dean before the competition can try and drag him down or co-opt his themes, it'll be brilliant. If it drains Dean's resources at a time no one is paying attention, then it'll be a massive failure. But if nothing else it indicates that Dean's Q2 numbers must look real good. We'll know soon enough. Just 12 days before quarter's out. The Graham flap was completely blown up out of proportion, but in this business perception is reality. It looks like the opposition has found Dean's weak spot ("he's mean!") and will work hard to exploit it. 3. John Kerry Cleland endorsement is nice. The puff piece in the Boston Globe also nice, especially with the Globe's large New Hampshire distribution. 4. Bob Graham And yeah, he keeps notes. Who cares! 5. Joe Lieberman Ultimately, very quiet week again. There's no mystery why -- no candidate has more riding on the Q2 numbers than Lieberman (only Dean comes close). If Lieberman disappoints again he's essentially through. The rumors have been flowing about Lieberman's poor showing, but I'm starting to suspect that it's all disinformation -- lowering expectations so even a low total looks good. We'll know in less than two weeks. 6. John Edwards 7. Kucinich 8. Al Sharpton 9. Carol Moseley-Braun Others: Clark (makes noise about running, but I think he won't), Biden (makes noise about running, but who cares?) Posted June 18, 2003 10:18 AM | Comments (204) |
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