Daily Kos
Political analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation

Tuesday | June 24, 2003

Open Thread: 6/24

As of late, I have noticed a general erosion of discipline on the threads, with people posting off topic comments. And god forbid those comments have anything to do with the Greens or Dean, as either of those topics will hijack any thread.

In order to maintain the integrity of these boards, I will be more militant about enforcing the off-topic rules, issuing temporary bans to those who violate them. Given that I offer a daily Open Thread, there's always a home for whatever you want to post.

The silver lining is that I have a newfound impetus to find a better platform for Daily Kos. I had previously considered porting the site over to Slash, and that's still a possibility. I need to investigate all my options and, given my budget, see what makes sense. Slash would essentially require me to buy a new server and pay a linux pro to maintain it. I'd rather find a less expensive alternative.

Given this site's phenomenal (and continued) growth, it's clear that MovableType is no longer up to the task. I'm not quite at Iraq War traffic levels (war is good for ratings), but it shouldn't be long before I get there, especially with campaign season starting to heat up.

One last thing -- please drop me a line if you are (or know) a book agent that works with non-fiction, non-political books.

Posted June 24, 2003 12:05 AM | Comments (144)


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