Thursday | June 26, 2003 How they can win: Dean Welcome to Part V of the six-part series "how they can win", featuring the six "serious" candidates: Dean, Edwards, Gephardt, Graham, Kerry and Lieberman. For purposes of this scenario building, I'm assuming all six candidates are running strong, without the presence of a major scandal or foot-in-mouth incident. This edition features Dean, the "protest", "maverick", "straight-talking" candidate. District of Columbia: 1.13 CW is that DC is Sharpton's to lose, but it could easily be won by Dean, Kerry or Gephardt. But if it is won by a top-tier candidate, expect little gloating. Iowa and NH will loom larger. Iowa: 1.19 A Dean victory would immediately finish off Gephardt and offer irresistable momentum in NH. More realistically, Dean needs the number 2 slot. Third place may not be terminal, but it would be close. I have been talking about a Dean/Kerry dogfight, and it will be resolved in these two states. Dean has to take second place. New Hampshire: 1.27 Dean needs that independent voter to turn out and vote for him. Assuming it does, Dean wins, Kerry is labeled "loser" by the national press and it abandons him in droves. Just like the Kerry scenario but in reverse. Dean can now take a breater as the "moderate" candidates go all out in: South Carolina, Delaware, Missouri, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma: 2.2 Michigan, Washington (caucus): 2.7 Maine: 2.8 Virginia, Tennessee: 2.10 Wisconsin: 2.17 Idaho: 2.24 and Utah: 2.27 Still, I don't think it's too relevant, as the candidates will be focusing their resources on the Big Day: California, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont, Hawaii, North Dakota, Texas (tentatively), Washington (primary): 3.2 Dean wins the nomination if he takes California, Connecticut, Maryland, Mass, Minnesota, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Hawaii and Washington. He could lose Georgia, North Dakota, and Texas, and still sew up the nomination. The "moderate's" task will be to steal at least two of those states. Bottom line: My scenario is fairly CW, not too controversial. It assumes that the NH loser in the Dean/Kerry battle will be forced to drop out because of waning media attention. Remember, the media has every interest in culling the field as quickly as possible in order to save money. It's expensive to cover so many candidates. However, I have an alternate scenario that could play out given the emergence of the Internet. With the Internet, more and more people are less likely to take their cues from broadcast stations or even newspapers. Dean has used the Internet to build a fiercely motivated and loyal group of partisans, extending to all 50 states and self-organized with little input or central control. Se let's assume Dean loses NH. His campaign plane, formerly packed with journalists, is suddenly empty. Dean is traveling in an old 1972 VW van, because it's the only thing he can afford. We then have: South Carolina, Delaware, Missouri, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma: 2.2 Michigan, Washington (caucus): 2.7 Maine: 2.8 Virginia, Tennessee: 2.10 Wisconsin: 2.17 Idaho: 2.24 and Utah: 2.27; and Super Tuesday: 3.2 But here's the kicker -- as Kerry and Dean split the lefty vote, the "moderate" candidate has an undivided share of the centrist vote. He wins the election right here and now. Posted June 26, 2003 03:57 AM | Comments (127) |
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