Daily Kos
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Monday | August 04, 2003

Hollings to retire

Taking back the Senate has just gotten that much more difficult, as SC institution Fritz Hollings will not run for reelection. That makes SC an odds-on GOP pickup in Nov 2004.

The early Senate battlegrounds are AK (good possibility for a D pickup), IL (almost certain D pickup), GA (doesn't look so hot), and SC. Florida and NC will be hot territory if their presidential candidate senators retire the seats.

Kansas, Kentucky and Pennsylvania may become pickup opportunities, but it's too early to tell. The GOP will be eyeing opportunities in both Dakotas, Nevada and Arkansas.

Update: In the comment boards, Mr. Liberal has some words of encouragement:

In fact, Holling's retirement is somewhat good for Democrats. Obivously you don't want to give up an incumbent ever, but he's a weaker candidate than the one Democrats have now: Inez Tenenbaum. She's the Sup. of Education in SC, and is its most popular politician. She won with 59% in 2002, even as the GOP swept the state. She's very popular in heavily GOP Lexington County, and has racked up strong margins there in 1998 and 2002.

A DSCC poll last month tested Tenenbaum and Hollings against Jim DeMint, the GOP frontrunner. Here are the results:

Hollings: 43
DeMint: 38

Tenenbaum: 45
DeMint: 33

Tenenbaum is considered to be a superb candidate for the Democrats, as Larry Sabato and others have said.

Posted August 04, 2003 12:55 PM


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