Saturday | August 09, 2003 Conservatives going hard against Arnold California Republicans won't take long to figure out Arnold isn't one of them. Rush is leading the charge: "He has told the press he is 'very liberal' about social programs, supports abortion and homosexual adoption, and advocates 'sensible gun controls.' His entree into politics last year was a proposition Democrats endorsed because it raised state spending for what amounted to state babysitting - before-school and after-school programs that cost the state up to $455 million a year. He has complained openly about the party's conservatism.... Talk magazine described him as 'impatient' with the religious right....It's true, Schwarzenegger seems to be running as a Democrat -- a free-spending, pro-gay rights Democrat. So does the enemy of my enemy make him my friend? Nope. I can't support anyone with an (R) next to their name, especially with Rove hovering around trying to gain points. In any case, it's clear Rush is leading a party-wide conservative movement against Arnold. Given California's right-wing Republicans, there's no guarantee Schwarzenegger can win this thing (they want the wingnut Simon). He'd have to attract independents and Democrats. I have doubts he can grab the latter, so that leaves the former. It'll be tough. (Incidentally, Rush also attacks Arnold here.) Let me make one thing clear -- a Governor Schwarzenegger will not put California in play for Bush. Period. No more so than Gov. Brad Henry puts Oklahoma in play for the Dems. CW is that a governor will give his party a 1-2 point boost in a presidential election. In a close state (like Arizona or New Hampshire) that could make all the difference. In California, it'll never happen. Posted August 09, 2003 09:59 AM |
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