Daily Kos
Political analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation

Saturday | August 16, 2003

Texas to cancel -- elections???

Many in tin-foil territory often claim the Bush Administration would cancel elections if their loss was imminent. Republicans aren't always the strongest proponents of fair elections (Florida, Texas, California), but to cancel an election? Even they wouldn't stoop that low. Right?

The state's Republican leadership is looking into the possibility of postponing the March congressional primaries if the boycotting Democratic senators continue to delay the GOP effort to draw new districts [...]

Asked if he would advocate postponing the primaries, Perry said, "We will address those issues as they face us. But we need to get back to the work of the people of the state of Texas."

David Beckwith, spokesman for Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, said the Senate leadership also has been considering the postponement option.

Of course, making that kind of change would require -- get this -- Senate action. And those dumbasses in the Texas GOP don't seem to realize that -- get this -- they don't have a Senate quorum.

That's why they can't ram their redistricting proposal through the legislature.

Of course, that's not stopping Republicans from walking around Austin changing all matter of rules, laughably levying "fines" on the absent Democrats, and now threatening to hold up the primary election.

For the GOP, it's all par for the course.

Posted August 16, 2003 02:09 PM | Comments (102)


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