Daily Kos
Political analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation

Monday | September 15, 2003

Foreign help not on the horizon

Four U.S. soliders have died the past four days -- glorious victories in Bush's "flypaper" War Against Terror.

You see, as Bush, Andrew Sullivan, and other Chickenhawk Neocons remind us -- we should celebrate every time US forces are killed in Iraq, because those very same terrorists would otherwise be killing Americans here in the US.

Dead Americans in the U.S. -- bad. Dead Americans in Iraq -- good. Thank the heavens we can enjoy the benefits of good, sound Chickenhawk Neocon thinking.

Yet given our great successes in getting our US troops killed in Iraq, not the U.S., it's difficult to understand why we can't garner any international help.

The Pentagon (news - web sites) has sharply sliced the number of foreign troops it hopes will help stabilize Iraq (news - web sites), but even the 10,000 to 15,000 it is now seeking may be unattainable [...]

Acknowledging the difficulty, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Sunday on CBS' Face the Nation, "If there's another U.N. resolution, my guess is the most we could hope to get for, by way of additional international troops, would be something between zero or 10,000 and 15,000."
Talk about lowering expectations. We went from 60,000 additional international troops, to 0-15,000.

And I would be willing to bet that we are closer to "0" than "15,000".

"We're still encouraging troops of other nations to join the coalition effort," Powell said on Fox News Sunday. "And we know there are some 14 countries that are examining that idea to see whether or not they can make a contribution."
Can you just imagine Powell's sales pitch?

Posted September 15, 2003 06:52 AM | Comments (116)


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