Monday | October 13, 2003 "Iraq is wonderful" offensive uses form letter Boy, lots of soldiers are mailing their hometown newspapers to let the folks back home know how wonderful Bush's War is going. It's just really weird how ever letter looks exactly the same. Letters from hometown soldiers describing their successes rebuilding Iraq have been appearing in newspapers across the country as U.S. public opinion on the mission sours.As far as "P.R. Offensives" are concerned, this latest from the Bush Administration is about the clumsiest I've ever seen.
But the best part of all? President Bush, annoyed by what he considers the "filter" of news reporting, will seek to go around the press on Monday through television outlets that do not routinely cover the White House.Translation: Bush hates news that isn't "filtered" by his own merry band of "yes men" (and women). So he'll continue on his merry tour, arguing that white is black, up is down, and that he is a "compassionate conservative". Posted October 13, 2003 08:35 AM | Comments (62) |
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