Daily Kos
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Friday | May 23, 2003

The latest on the Killer Ds

Things in Texas continue to remain interesting, as the state GOP sees its heavy handed attempts to drag quorum-breaking Democrats back into the chamber backfire disastrously.

The GOP's lackeys during this whole affair, the Texas DPS, now faces a federal investigation for dragging the Department of Homeland Security into the search. And, to top it all off, it attempted a coverup by ordering the destruction of all documents related to the event.

Their rationale? Privacy laws dictated the destruction. Legal experts and Democrats dispute that. But the GOP's efforts to rationalize the affair continue at comic levels. As Charles Kuffner at the Political State Report writes:

It's really amusing that Texas State GOP Chair Sarah Weddington told her colleagues to use phrases like "on the lam" when describing the Killer D's walkout because it connotes "criminal wrongdoing", especially given that the justification being bandied about by the Texas Department of Public Safety for destroying all records having to do with the search for the Killer D's is that it was not a criminal matter.
Fact is, the Texas GOP blew its top, lost all rationality (if it ever had any), and dragged both Texas and federal law enforcement agencies into a political spat.

Posted May 23, 2003 06:59 AM | Comments (40)


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